Health warning over deadly disease that thrives in hot tubs and gardening equipment


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Apr 12, 2023

Health warning over deadly disease that thrives in hot tubs and gardening equipment

As the weather turns warmer, many Brits will look towards trying out their new

As the weather turns warmer, many Brits will look towards trying out their new hot tub, or planting new flowers in their garden but what they may not know is the risk this brings of catching Legionnaires' disease

Experts have issued an urgent summer health warning over a deadly disease that can spread in hot tubs and gardening equipment.

As the weather turns warmer, many Brits will look towards trying out their new hot tub, or getting out into their gardens.

But some dangerous germs can breed in locations like hot tubs and taps, and even in damp garden potting compost and hosepipes.

The hotter temperatures offer the perfect breeding ground for Legionnaires’ disease.

This is a serious lung infection caused by Legionella bacteria which can be caught through breathing in tiny droplets of water containing it.

Legionella can thrive in hot tubs, taps, shower heads, and even some gardening equipment like watering cans, sprinklers and hosepipes.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are urging Brits to be careful after a company was hit with a massive fine after an outbreak of the disease.

Riaar Plastics Limited, a West Bromwich manufacturing company, was fined £50,000 and made to pay £11,000 costs earlier this month.

Legionella bacteria had grown in the company's water-cooling towers and pipes, exposing employees and members of the public.

Five people became ill and one person was even rushed to intensive care.

HSE principal inspector Jenny Skeldon warned: "The condition of the cooling towers at this site was the worst I had ever seen. The Legionella exposure risk to employees, site visitors, neighbouring duty holders and members of the public was extreme in nature.

"Exposure to Legionella can cause death or serious illness where water cooling systems are not been managed effectively. It is really important that proactive management of the risk from Legionella bacteria is taken seriously.

"There are well publicised and simple precautions for companies to take, and if followed, will ensure that employers manage and control the risk."

Initial symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease resemble that of the flu and include headaches, muscle pain, high temperatures, tiredness and chills.

However, when the bacteria reaches your lungs the symptoms are more similar to that of pneumonia - including a shortness of breath, persistent cough and chest pains.

To try and prevent the spread of Legionnaires’ disease, make sure disinfectant is used in hot tubs and similar areas where it might spread.

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